It is easy to often wonder if what we are doing is even making a difference in this world. Well, today we can tell you that yes, you can make a difference in a person's life. For us in North America, we easily take our material "blessings" for granted, seldom thinking of what most of the other people in the world really live like. When we went to Liberia recently, we were once again reminded of the juxtaposition of our lifestyle compared to those in this war-torn, poverty-stricken little country in West Africa. Upon our return, we found it difficult to accept how we live compared to most of the people there. Even the homeless in our society are wealthy in comparison because no one in Canada ever has to go hungry; our government provides for all people in this country. Not in Liberia.
We are such a small ministry, so how could we make a difference?
Well, let me tell you the story of young Hannah and her family...
Hannah Korlubah is a 12 year old girl who, with her 2 younger siblings, live with their mother in this structure that people in Liberia may call a home. It is barely held together as you can see from the picture; there are just dirt floors and the door does not close. No bathrooms, no kitchen, no separate bedrooms. It is a very unsafe area and the two youngest children must stay at home alone when their mother goes to the market to try to find some work.
When we asked Chris to find the poorest family he could find that we could help out, he led us to Hannah and her family. Hannah had never been to school in her life, and even at the age of 12 she would have to attend Grade 1. Hearts for Africa randomly decided to bless this family this past Christmas by giving them some rice and a few other essential cooking utensils. In addition, someone in Canada felt led to sponsor Hannah (for only $1 a day!!!) so that she could finally go to school and get a highly coveted and essential Christian education, something usually reserved for the more privileged people who can afford such a luxury. What joyful thankfulness this family expressed to us when we did this small thing for them!
When Jackie and Marsha went to go and visit this family on their recent trip, they were shocked to see their poor living conditions and felt they had to do something more for them. They had to hike into the bush on beaten paths to find this little hut where they lived. They were immediately touched by how instead of complaining about their plight, the mother was overjoyed and extremely thankful for how God had blessed her! How humbling to expereince people being so overjoyed at having, what we would consider, so little! They left some money with Chris before leaving Liberia so that he could find something more safe and suitable for this family to live in. Well, he did just that and we are so excited to see how their lives have been forever changed. They are now living in a three bedroom home that is owned by a lady with a child who thought it would be wise to allow this family to live with her. The place has a floor, a bathroom, bedrooms, AND an indoor kitchen! This will be better for the kids as they had to walk such lengths before to get anywhere and it will also help the mother as she starts her small business of selling things to be able to make enough money to have food on the table.
Hannah in their new bathroom!
The family in their new indoor kitchen!

Furthermore, Hannah's Canadian sponsor has pledged to sponsor her two younger siblings next year as well (they don't know this yet!) so that they too can have a Christian education.
We are humbled and so thankful to our Heavenly Father for allowing us to do this work for Him and are reminded daily that "little is much, when GOD is in it"! Every one of us is called, no, commanded, to help our fellow brothers in need and by doing so, we CAN make a difference in this world. One person, one family at a time. Just like Hannah.
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